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注:国家自然科学基金资助项目(NO. 61571053)
单位:北京信息科技大学传感器重点实验室,北京 100101
Application of Improved Kalman Filter in Signal Processing of MEMS Gyroscopes
ZHANG Bo-yuan, GAO Guo-wei
Beijing Sensor Key Laboratory, Beijing Information Science & Technology University, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the random output drift error of MEMS gyroscopes affects the measuring accuracy, an improved Kalman filter method is proposed to compensate the error of MEMS gyroscope. Traditional Kalman filter is a recursive estimation of random sequences in time domain using statistical characteristics, so as to obtain the signal needed for measurement. In this paper, a attenuation factor and a difference control item are introduced on the basis of the traditional Kalman filtering algorithm to estimate the variance of the noise measured by Kalman filter adaptively. Combining with the hardware system, the static performance test and dynamic performance test of the algorithm are carried out, and the results of the original gyroscope signal and the gyroscope signal after error compensation are compared and analyzed by Allan Variance analysis, and the comparison data show that the static random error of the gyroscope can be effectively suppressed. Thus, it is proved that the algorithm has certain application value in the static data processing of gyroscope.
Key words: MEMS gyroscope; Allan variance; Random drift; adaptive Kalman filter
备注:2019年 第25卷 第03期


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