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注:国家科技重大专项课题(No. 2019ZX06002020);
中国机械工业集团重大科技专项项目(No. SINOMAST-ZDZX-2019-03)
单位:1.重庆材料研究院有限公司,重庆 400707;
      2.国家仪表功能材料工程技术研究中心,重庆 400707;
      3. 上海核工程研究设计院,上海 200030


Development Progress of 1E Platinum Resistance Temperature Sensor for the Temperature Monitors of the Main Pump in Nuclear Station
JU Hua1,2, YAN Li1,2, WU Xueqiong3, CAI Wei3, WANG Shengguang3, ZHENG Yawen1,2, ZHAO Yan1,2, WANG Hua1,2, CHEN Jie1,2*            
(1. Chongqing Materials Research Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing 400707, China; 2. National Instrument Functional Materials Engineering Technology Research Center, Chongqing 400707, China; 3. Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute, Shanghai 200030, China)
Abstract: The 1E platinum resistance thermometer is used to monitor the water temperature of the main pump in nuclear power plant, participate in the pump shutdown instruction and trigger the reactor shutdown. It plays a vital role in the safe operation of nuclear power plants and is the key instrument control equipment for the safe operation of nuclear power plants. The safety level of the temperature sensor is 1E and the quality assurance level is QA1. The temperature sensor needs to meet the requirements of high precision, long life, radiation resistance and earthquake resistance, and has high technical requirements. The paper introduces the development progress of 1E platinum resistance thermometers from the aspects of technical requirements, development emphasis and quality appraisal, which provides important reference for the independent development of platinum resistance thermometers in China.
Key words: the 1E platinum resistance temperature sensor; pressurized water nuclear reactor; pualification


备注:2022年 第28卷 第03期

传感器世界 中国知网  自动化网 传感器英才网 中华自动化 北京国科舰航 控制工程网
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