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注:电波环境特性及模化技术重点实验室基金(No. 6142403190305)
单位:四川大学电子信息学院,四川成都 610000

摘要:文章设计并制作了一款水平全向高增益同轴连续横向枝节(Coaxial Continuous Transverse Stub,CCTS)阵列天线。天线由输入端的匹配单元、7个CTS辐射单元和终端短路单元3部分组成,具有易加工、成本低和易调节的特点。同时,天线为旋转对称结构,有着良好的方向图圆度。论文对天线原理、设计关键环节和主要结构参数对性能影响进行了详细分析和说明,设计了一支工作频率5.8 GHz的CTS全向天线,加工制作了天线样品并进行了测试。结果表明:其|S11|<-10 dB的阻抗带宽为6.2%(5.61~5.97 GHz),5.8 GHz频率点的增益达到12.1 dBi,极化方式为垂直极化,水平全向不圆度约±1.3 dB,测试与仿真结果吻合良好。该天线在需要大覆盖范围要求的移动通信和无线电对抗等领域有着较好的应用前景。

The Design of an Azimuthal Omnidirectional High-Gain Coaxial CTS Antenna
ZHAO Chunrui, CHEN Xing
(SICHUAN UNIVERSITY College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Chengdu 610000, China)
Abstract: In the paper, an azimuthal omnidirectional high-gain coaxial continuous transverse stub (CCTS) array antenna is designed. The antenna is composed of one matching unit behind the input port, seven radiation elements and one short circuited termination. It has the characteristics of easy processing, low cost and easy adjustment. Furthermore, the antenna is a rotationally symmetric structure, has a good roundness of the pattern. In the paper, the antenna principle, key design links and the influence of main structural parameters on the performance are analyzed and explained in detail. A CTS omnidirectional antenna with operating frequency of 5.8 GHz is designed, and the antenna sample is fabricated and tested. The results show that the impedance bandwidth for |S11|<-10 dB is 6.2% (5.61~5.97 GHz), the best gain at 5.8 GHz is 12.1 dBi, the polarization is vertical, and the gain variation in the horizontal plane is about ±1.3 dB, which are in good agreement with the simulation results. The antenna will have important application prospects in the fields of mobile communications and radio countermeasures that require great coverage.
Key words: CCTS; horizontal omnidirectional; high gain


备注:2022年 第28卷 第01期

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