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作者:刘亭 李日永

单位:秦皇岛市91404部队94分队,河北 秦皇岛 066001.


文献标识码: A  




关键词 单片机;传感器;便携式气象站;嵌入式;ARM


Design and realization of a portable weather station based on ARM

LIU  Ting,  LI Ri-yong

(PLA Unit 91404 , Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066001, China)

Abstract: A portable weather station based on ARM and MCS51 SCM is designed and realized in order to satisfy the needs of the equipment test. The sampling of the meteorologic data is realized using the MCS-51 SCM and A/D converter chip. The sampling control and the data display and storage are completed by ARM.  The control, display and storage of the meteorologic data from many weather stations can be implemented in the PC. The communication between the MCS-51 SCM and ARM is achieved by RS232 and that between ARM and PC is by RJ45.This design of the portable weather station has many advantages such as high reliability, better expansibility and can meet demands of the equipment test.

Keywords: SCM; sensor; portable weather station;embedded; ARM



备注:2009  15  1


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